Submission to the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery
15 March 2021
The Commonwealth 8.7 Network and CHRI submitted a joint response to the Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery’s call for inputs on the nexus between forced displacement and contemporary forms of slavery. The statement included input from 5 Network members representing Australia, Canada, Nigeria and Vanuatu. The response was published on the OHCHR website and will go on to inform the Special Rapporteur’s thematic report that will be presented at the 48th Regular Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. The response addresses how the marginalisation and lack of protection afforded to displaced persons increases their vulnerability to contemporary forms of slavery. It also notes the employment challenges faced by displaced persons and how this increases their risk of exploitation. The response also highlights the heightened risk of displaced children and adolescents, particularly those who are unaccompanied.
Advocacy and Awareness Raising Working Group
SDG 8.7
The mandate of the Advocacy and Awareness Raising Working Group is to:
Facilitate member engagement with and participation at global and regional levels, including the UN human rights mechanisms and Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM)
Draw attention to national issues identified by members in international and regional fora
Identify and Implement priority activities for the Network to hold governments accountable for their international obligations to address contemporary forms of slavery, forced labour and human trafficking
Prioritise and ensure inclusion of survivor voices in advocacy to eradicate contemporary forms of slavery, forced labour and human trafficking
Current members of the working group:
Sally Irwin

Founder and Managing Director
The Freedom Hub, Australia
Francisca Awah Mbuli

Founder and CEO
Survivors' Network Cameroon
Edwin Mugambila

Tanzania Relief Initiatives
Michael Luseni

Executive Director
Economic Empowerment and Human Rights, Sierra Leone
Elizabeth Speller

Advocacy Director
Its a Penalty, United Kingdom
Jamils Richard Achunji

Global Welfare Association, Cameroon
S M Shaikat

Executive Director
SERAC, Bangladesh
Afasi Komla

Director of Special Projects
Engage Now Africa, Ghana
Abdul Kemokai

Executive Director
Defence for Children International, Sierra Leone
Ikape James Ikape

Program Manager
MeCAHT, Nigeria
Ephraim Chimwaza

Executive Director
Centre for Social Concern and Development, Malawi
Erfaan Hussein Babak

The Awakening, Pakistan
Happy Umurungi

Project Officer
Hope Iwacu Initiative, Rwanda
Godfrey Mpandikizi

Executive Director
Tanzania Anti Human Trafficking and Legal Initiatives, Tanzania